Friday, June 14, 2013

It was great seeing you out and about!

Part of what makes RockyEdge special is our unique human element.  We work hard to build highly successful and reliable working relationships as well as a personal trust and rapport with each and every person we come across; subcontractors, designers, suppliers, builders, co-workers and customers alike. 

We take this philosophy seriously because it not only maintains our integrity and keeps our customers happy- we simply love our people! 

We are experiencing growth, and hope to continue on the path so we will be out and about at city events this Summer.  We enjoyed meeting and mixing it up with the local professional crowd at last night's Network After Work event last night downtown.  If you are familiar with these events and plan on attending the August 14th event, we hope we'll see you there.

It has been a busy first half of 2013 in the office and at our job sites, and we are truly grateful for all of the great contacts we have made.  Hope to see you out at the next event, or at your estimate for your new project.  If you have something you'd like to design, build, or maintain, and want the best team for the job, we'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

RockyEdge loves Spring!!

The title of this post is self-explanatory and we're sure you love Spring too! 

It's been awhile since we've posted (since we have been out on the sites working on your projects), so we just wanted to pop in and say Happy Spring.

Meanwhile, take a look at these handy home improvement projects for Spring.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Work Away the January Blues...

We know it can get monotonous, staying indoors every evening and weekend because it's too cold and wet to be active outside.  If you're looking for something to put your idle hands to good use, look no further than MSN's ideas for winter home projects.

If you prefer a more relaxing weekend, take a look at these fun, liesurely activities to do by the warm and cozy fireplace or out in your community.